#Code Typescript with Redux and CQRS on Net Core 3.1I couple of months ago, I shared a simple and partial solution showing how use ADO.Net with CQRS using technologies representing a sort of…May 18, 2021May 18, 2021
#Code CQRS pattern for Web.ApiBuild a solution based on Command Query Responsibility Segregation pattern to increase performance, scalability and security.Jul 17, 2020Jul 17, 2020
#Code Swift : UIScrollView and PageControl, add Custom Views (xib) dynamicallyIn the last months I’ve been focused on developing a mobile trading app for crypto markets and one of the issues I had to solve, was the…Jul 19, 2019Jul 19, 2019
P.Three, Turning illiquid billion dollar industries into tradable new asset classes.3. Introducing Infinity Trades.Feb 21, 2019Feb 21, 2019
P.Two, Turning illiquid billion dollar industries into tradable new asset classes.2. From bitcoin to security token : why securitize Apps revenues flows.Feb 4, 2019Feb 4, 2019
#Code Web.Api user authentication using secure salted hash passwordUse a web.api service to verify users credentialsJan 22, 2019Jan 22, 2019
P.One, Turning illiquid billion dollar industries into tradable new asset classes1. Capital Markets 4.0 : The 3-D clubJan 11, 2019Jan 11, 2019
#Code Web.Api with Redis Distributed CacheHigh scalable web api service, for storing frequent access objectsJan 9, 2019Jan 9, 2019
ICO — Investments based on decentralized trust.Blockchain transparency and security are values shared by ICOs ?Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018